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New camp bed

I am preparing for my next camping trip to Italy in late April and now have a splendid new bed for the car.

My friend Richard has been very busy this March. He had to juggle a magnificent repair to my car with finishing the camp bed.

Here is the car before and after. There is still some work to be done, but that can wait till I return from Italy.

We started to think of a new design for the camp bed for the car some time ago. The existing one in wood was a bit rickety and did not allow easily for storage under the bed. The new design evolved – slowly – over the past two months and finally, with much egging on by me, Richard finished it two days before my family arrived for Easter.

It may look like a bit of nifty Meccano, but the bed (made in aluminium and sufficiently light for me to lift) allows for far more boxes to be stored underneath, and accessed by lifting the bed top, which is on hinges. During the holidays it will be used as an additional bed for the grandchildren and the grand installation in the car will take place just before I set off for Italy.

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